Thursday, January 16, 2025

Giorgio Agamben

 Recently published article on  Weil's influence on Agamben  by Benjamim  Brum Neto

 Neto, Benjamim Brum. 2023. "Giorgio Agamben e Simone Weil, críticos da tradição jurídica romana / Giorgio Agamben and Simone Weil, Critics of the Roman Legal Tradition."  Revista Direita e Praxis 14 (3). doi: 10.1590/2179-8966/2022/60602. 

The Simone Weil Bibliography  currently has 8 works on Agamben and Weil:

Maria Zambrano

 Recently two works have been published comparing Zambrano and Weil

Basili, Cristina. 2024. "Compartir el amor: las Antígonas de Simone Weil y María Zambrano."  Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano 25:6-19. 

Carenzi, Francesca. 2023. Due voci in esilio : l'Europa di María Zambrano e Simone Weil. Rome: Aracne. 

The bibliography currently lists over 20 works on Weil and Zambrano

Rosa Luxemburg

 Rita Fulco has recently published an article on Weil and Luxemburg  and the Simone Weil Bibliography includes a couple of other works about Weil and Luxemburg:

Fulco, Rita. 2024. " «Militanti di alta classe»: filosofia, politica e «vita interiore» in Simone Weil e Rosa Luxemburg."  Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica (1):5-22. doi: 10.1414/114889. 

Boitier, Daniel. 2015. "Rosa Luxemburg, Simone Weil, les collectivités passées, pressentiments d’avenir."  Cahiers Simone Weil 38 (4):341-353. 

Korsström, Tuva 2003. "Naispuolinen nero." In Osaako nainen ajatella? : Esseitä ja haastatteluja 67-98. Helsinki: Like.