Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Fanon and Weil

 Recently an article in the Journal of Aging Studies includes a note about Fanon and Weil.  So far I have identified four works that include comments on  Franz Fanon and Weil

Colombo, Bruna. 2013. "Penser l’esclavage à partir de l’Iliade."  Cahiers Simone Weil 36 (3):211-231. 

Higgs, Paul, and Chris Gilleard. 2022. "Is ageism an oppression?"  Journal of Aging Studies 62:1-6. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0890406522000548. See page 3 for a brief discussion of Weil and oppression and a comment on her influence on Franz Fanon

Smith, Anthony Paul. 2017. ""To Love Human Beings Insofar as They are Nothing": Deracination and Pessimism in Weil." In Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, edited by A.  Rebecca  (Adrian Rebecca) Rozelle-Stone, 205-221. London: Rowman & Littlefield. 

Stone-Mediatore, Shari. 2010. "Epistemologies of Discomfort: What Military-Family Anti-War Activists Can Teach Us about Knowledge of Violence."  Studies in Social Justice 4 (1):25-45. https://journals.library.brocku.ca/index.php/SSJ/article/view/1007/977. A number of  references comparing Weil’s thoughts on violence with those of Hannah Arendt, Frantz Fanon,  John Glenn Gray and Paul Farmer