Sunday, January 30, 2022


 Just identified the first work focussed on Weil and Proust:

Sei, Julia. 2021. "Mystique et introspection psychologique dans les œuvres de Marcel Proust et de Simone Weil." In Expériences mystiques: énonciations, représentations et réécritures, edited by Fanny Arma, Riccardo Raimondo and Grégory Jouanneau-Damance, 281-298. Paris: Classiques Garnier.

Saturday, January 29, 2022


 Just discovered this 2021 open access German work on Weil and the Upanishads by Martina Bengert:

Bengert, Martina. 2021. "Die Seele als ,Zwischen“. Simone Weils Lesarten der Upanishaden " In Mystique et psychisme: une approche interculturelle = Mystik und Psyche in interkultureller Perspektive, edited by Christine Maillard and Sonia Goldblum, 123-136. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.

A search on the Simone Weil Bibliography for Upanishads currently reveals 7 other entries.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Weil's infuence on author Sigrid Nunez

Nunez's  2020 novel What Are You Going Through,  begins with a quote from Simone Weil.   That same year Tara Menon published an article on Nunez that includes considerable discussion of Weil's influence on Nunez's writings.

Menon, Tara K. 2020. "The Steadfast Attention of Sigrid Nunez."  Sewanee Review 128 (4):640-665.

Titles that belie their content

 Over the years I am been amazed at the number of works that are focussed on Weil, but a first glance at the title does not reveal the rich content.   Just added such an example to the Simone Weil Bibliography.  The work below by Boulting is focussed on Weil's philosophy, epistemology and ontology.

Boulting, Noel E. 2021. "Intentionalism and God’s Fiction."  Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 20 (2):302-317.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Updates to Simone Weil Bibliography

After a rather lengthy hiatus,  I am back to updating the Simone Weil Bibliography.   Over 50 new records should be uploaded to the Simone Weil Bibliography by the end of January.

Please note that the Bibliography is also available via Zotero .  The Zotero version allows you to select  records for  printing or exporting.

New e-journal on Weil

I have recently connected with Ron Collins the creator of the new e-journal  ATTENTION which launched last May.  This is a great resource for finding information on Weil.  It has been wonderful meeting Ron and I look forward to our future collaborations.