While in an earlier blog post on Weil and Judaism I mentioned the work by Lotringer, I have discovered a few other works comparing Artaud and Weil:
Chiappone, Francis. 2005. Review of Les Promesses de l’oeuvre, Artaud, Nietzsche, Simone Weil, by Jean Michel Rey. Cahiers Simone Weil 28 (3):310-312.
Garcia Vila, Antonio. 2013. "Espectros de Artaud." El Viejo Topo 301:48-61.
Lotringer, Sylvère. 2003. "Artaud était-il chrétien?" In Fous d'Artaud, 13-38. Paris: Sens and Tonka. Extensive discussion comparing Artuad's and Weil's relationship to Judaism and Christianity
Rey, Jean-Michel. 2003. Les promesses de l'oeuvre : Artaud, Nietzsche, Simone Weil. Paris: Desclée De Brouwer.
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