Monday, August 12, 2019


A collection of essays has been published open access: Mondialisation ou globalisation ? : Les leçons de Simone Weil edited by Alain Supiot

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thesis on Weil and Buddhism

Earlier I posted a list of works on Weil and Buddhism and note that the posting has garnered considerable interest.

I have since located the following thesis which includes a discussion of Weil and Zen Buddhism:

Sekino, Tetsuya. "Peut-on Parler De Dieu Aujourd'hui ? : De Wittgenstein À Simone Weil." Philosophy, vol. PhD, Diss, Université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3), 2016, p. 234. general editor, Jean Jacques Wunenburger,

New Records added to Simone Weil Bibliography

Over 65 new records have been  added to the online version of the bibliography

 4, 269 records are now posted and I have about 700 I am working on and continue to collect more!  My goal is to add at least 25 records to the online version each month.  Please let me know of works I am missing.

The bibliography is fully keyword searchable and you can also limit your search to particular author, date, keyword, language and/or reference type.


Johannes Rytzler  has just published an article  focussed on Weil and Foucault:

Rytzler, Johannes. "Turning the Gaze to the Self and Away from the Self: Foucault and Weil on the Matter of Education as Attention Formation." Ethics and Education, vol. 14, no. 3, 2019, pp. 285-297, doi:

So far I have collected 5 other works which discuss Weil and Foucault:

Duttenhaver, Krista and Coy D. Jones. "Power, Subjectivity and Resistance in the Thought of Simone Weil and Michel Foucault." The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, edited by Rebecca Rozelle-Stone and Lucian Stone, Continuum, 2010, pp. 176-192.

Oxenhandler, Neal. Looking for Heroes in Postwar France : Albert Camus, Max Jacob, Simone Weil. University Press of New England, 1996.
Ritner, Scott  B. "The Training of the Soul : Simone Weil's Dialectical Disciplinary Paradigm, a Reading Alongside Michel Foucault." Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, edited by Adrian Rebecca Rozelle-Stone, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 187-203. Reframing Continental Philosophy of Religion.
Robert, William. "Crossing: Simone Weil, Mystics, Politics." Religious Studies, vol. PhD, Diss, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005, p. 287. general editor, Thomas Carlson.
Vinale, Adriano. "Memory in Warfare: History as a Destituent Narrative." European Review of History, vol. 25, no. 5, 2018, pp. 671-685.