Monday, December 16, 2019

Philosophical Investigations

If you have access to Philosophical Investigations, the early view articles  focus on Weil.  Titles include:

Doering, E Jane, and Ruthann Knechel Johansen. "Prophetic Voices: Simone Weil and Flannery O'Connor."  

Kinsey, John. "Mathematics and the Mystical in the Thought of Simone Weil."

McGhee, Michael. "The Rarer Action’: Winch goes to Maharbaleshwar."

Morgan, Vance G. ""Pleasure and Joy in the Work”: Using Simone Weil in the Classroom."  

Rozelle-Stone, Adrian Rebecca. "Elastic Worker: Time‐Sense, Energy and the Paradox of Resilience."  

Schmidt, Lawrence E. "André Naud: From Vatican II to Simone Weil."  

Springsted, Eric. "Having an Inner Life."

Friday, December 13, 2019

Massive amount of writing on Weil

When Debra Jensen and I first began the Simone Weil bibliography in 2005 with the intent to update the bibliographies previously prepared by Little, we never imagined the extent of material annually produced.  This project has required considerable time and effort and at times feels a bit overwhelming! We should have paid attention to Thomas Nevin's warning in his 2000 work Simone Weil: Portrait of a Self-exiled Jew that "the proliferation of writing on Weil since 1979 would seem to make further supplements a gargantuan undertaking." (p. 459)  Currently, I am locating a yearly average of over 200 works with significant content on Weil.  Of course there are many more works which briefly mention or  simply quote Weil.  A search on google scholar for the phrase "Simone Weil"  retrieves over 1700 hits for 2019 alone! Culling through all this output for substantive content is a very labour intensive process!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Weil's influence on Michel Serres

I am constantly amazed at the number of people that have been influenced by Weil.

The late philosopher Michel Serres, member of the French Academy and philosophy professor at Stanford left mathematics to study philosophy after reading Gravity and Grace.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Simone Weil's papers

In the last week I have received two inquiries about how to locate the original of Weil's writings. So I thought I would try to post this more widely.

The Institute for Advanced Studies in their Historical Studies - Social Science Library located in Princeton has a microfilm copy:

Their catalogue lists the following:

The link below will take you to the Bibliothèque nationale de France record for her archives -

Note you need to email the BnF if you are interested in making arrangement to view her papers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Rachel Bespaloff and Weil

So far I have identified 13 works comparing Weil and Bespaloff:

Benfey, Christopher. 2006. "A Tale of Two Iliads." In Artists, intellectuals, and World War II : the Pontigny Encounters at Mount Holyoke College, 1942-1944, edited by Christopher E. G. Benfey and Karen Remmler, 207-219. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Beye, Charles Rowan. 2006. Homer in the Twentieth century : Simone Weil and Rachel Bespaloff. Menlo Park, CA: Occasional Works. Reprint, Adapted from Simone & Rachel:Together At Last  a review of  War and the Iliad by Simone Weil and Rachel Bespaloff published in 14 October 2005.

Bruce, Cicero. 2006. "Reading the Iliad in the Light of Eternity."  Modern Age 48 (1):48-58.

Burke, Catherine. 2019. "Female Homers: A Feminist "notos?"." In Homer's Daughters: Women's Responses to Homer in the Twentieth Century and Beyondedited by Fiona Cox, Elena Theodorakopoulos, edited by Fiona Cox and Elena Theodorakopoulos, 57-91. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Devaux, André A. 2004. " Rachel Bespaloff et Simone Weil."  Cahiers Simone Weil 27 (2):155-6.
Fusini, Nadia. 2013. "Simone." In Hannah e le altre 17-48. Torino: Einaudi.

Ghirardelli, Luca. 2012. Simone Weil: Dall'analisi della forza ad una pedagogia del miglioramento interiore, Collana Ospiti. Dogliani: Sensibili alle foglie.

Kohn, Jerome, and Elisabeth Young-Bruehl. 2006. "Hannah Arendt on Action and Violence with Reference to Simone Weil and Rachel Bespaloff on Homer's Iliad : A Conversation " In Artists, intellectuals, and World War II : the Pontigny encounters at Mount Holyoke College, 1942-1944, edited by Christopher E. G. Benfey and Karen Remmler, 220-39. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Mounic, Anne.2013. "Autour de l'Iliade, deux réflexions sur la force : Rachel Bespaloff et Simone Weil." In L'esprit du récit, ou, La chair du devenir : éthique et création littéraire, 442-455. Paris: Honoré Champion.

Osborn, Ronald. 2008. "Geometries of Force in Homer's Iliad: Two Readings."  Humanitas 21 (1-2):168-178.

Pachet, Pierre. 2004. " L'essai de Rachel Bespaloff sur l'Iliade: Des précisions de Pierre Pachet "  La Quinzaine Littéraire 889:31.

Schein, Seth L. 2016. ""War - What is it Good For?" in Homer's Iliad and Four Receptions." In Homeric Epic and its Reception: Interpretive Essays, 149-170. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Schein, Seth L. 2018. "Reading Homer in Dark Times: Rachel Bespaloff's On the Iliaid."  Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 26 (1):17-36.

Levertov and Simone Weil

Just encountered a 2019 work on Levertov and Weil:

Wallace, Cynthia. 2019. ""passionate/reverence, active love" : Levertov and Weil in the Communion of Struggle." In "This Need to Dance / This Need to Kneel": Denise Levertov and the Poetics  of Faith, edited by P. Murphy and Melissa Bradshaw, 127-139. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.

Also have these works in the database:

Schloesser, Steven. 2005. ""Not behind but within": Sacramentum et res."  Renascence 58 (1):17-39.

Block, Ed. 2008. "Poetry, Attentiveness and Prayer: One Poet's Lesson."  New Blackfriars 89 (1020):162-176. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-2005.2007.00195.x.
Wright- Bushman, Katy. 2013. "A Poetics of Consenting Attention: Simone Weil's Prayer and the Poetry of Denise Levertov."  Christianity & Literature 62 (3):369-392.

The Iliad

Catherine Burke in a recent article entitled "Female Homers: A Feminist "notos?" published on pages 57-91 of the Oxford University Press work Homer's Daughters: Women's Responses to Homer in the Twentieth Century and Beyond, edited by Fiona Cox and Elena Theodorakopoulos extensively comments on Weil's Iliad and notes that there is a "surprising dearth of literary scholarship" on this topic (p.58).   A search in my master database reveals over 25 works on Weil's Iliad from a literary perspective.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Void, Fromm and Weil

Joan Braune has just recently published an article in Journal of Hate Studies that extensively compares Weil and Erich Fromm.

Braune, J. (2019). Void and Idol: A Critical Theory Analysis of the Neo-fascist “Alt-Right”. Journal of Hate Studies, 15(1), 11-37.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Weil and hierarchy

Jonathan Wolff in his 2018 presidential address to the Aristotelian Society extensively references Weil, focussing on her writings on hierarchy.

See draft version:

Monday, August 12, 2019


A collection of essays has been published open access: Mondialisation ou globalisation ? : Les leçons de Simone Weil edited by Alain Supiot

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Thesis on Weil and Buddhism

Earlier I posted a list of works on Weil and Buddhism and note that the posting has garnered considerable interest.

I have since located the following thesis which includes a discussion of Weil and Zen Buddhism:

Sekino, Tetsuya. "Peut-on Parler De Dieu Aujourd'hui ? : De Wittgenstein À Simone Weil." Philosophy, vol. PhD, Diss, Université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3), 2016, p. 234. general editor, Jean Jacques Wunenburger,

New Records added to Simone Weil Bibliography

Over 65 new records have been  added to the online version of the bibliography

 4, 269 records are now posted and I have about 700 I am working on and continue to collect more!  My goal is to add at least 25 records to the online version each month.  Please let me know of works I am missing.

The bibliography is fully keyword searchable and you can also limit your search to particular author, date, keyword, language and/or reference type.


Johannes Rytzler  has just published an article  focussed on Weil and Foucault:

Rytzler, Johannes. "Turning the Gaze to the Self and Away from the Self: Foucault and Weil on the Matter of Education as Attention Formation." Ethics and Education, vol. 14, no. 3, 2019, pp. 285-297, doi:

So far I have collected 5 other works which discuss Weil and Foucault:

Duttenhaver, Krista and Coy D. Jones. "Power, Subjectivity and Resistance in the Thought of Simone Weil and Michel Foucault." The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, edited by Rebecca Rozelle-Stone and Lucian Stone, Continuum, 2010, pp. 176-192.

Oxenhandler, Neal. Looking for Heroes in Postwar France : Albert Camus, Max Jacob, Simone Weil. University Press of New England, 1996.
Ritner, Scott  B. "The Training of the Soul : Simone Weil's Dialectical Disciplinary Paradigm, a Reading Alongside Michel Foucault." Simone Weil and Continental Philosophy, edited by Adrian Rebecca Rozelle-Stone, Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 187-203. Reframing Continental Philosophy of Religion.
Robert, William. "Crossing: Simone Weil, Mystics, Politics." Religious Studies, vol. PhD, Diss, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005, p. 287. general editor, Thomas Carlson.
Vinale, Adriano. "Memory in Warfare: History as a Destituent Narrative." European Review of History, vol. 25, no. 5, 2018, pp. 671-685.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

New site for Simone Weil Bibliography

Early in 2019 the Bibliography was moved to:

4200 records have been posted and I hope to start uploading on a more regular basis.

The bibliography is fully keyword searchable and you can also limit your search to particular author, date, keyword, language and/or reference type. 

Monday, February 4, 2019


The International Journal for Philosophy of Religion has just posted an article on Nietzsche and Weil by Stuart Jesson to their "Online First Articles"

   Jesson, S. Int J Philos Relig (2019).

So far I have collected the following articles on Weil and Nietzsche:

Abell, Jake. "Untimely Meditations on the Need for Roots: Imagining a Culture of Human Need in
Nietzsche and Simone Weil." BA Honors, Baylor University, 2013,

Borgna, Eugenio. L'indicibile tenerezza : In cammino con Simone Weil.  Feltrinelli, 2016.

Hooft, Stan Van. "The Meaning of Suffering." Hastings Center Report, vol. 28, no. 5, 1998, pp. 13-19.

Kivilaakso, Katri. "Kirjailijasta mieskirjailijaksi, naiskirjailijaksi ja takaisin Pirkko Saision Kainin tytär sekä Jukka Larssonin ja Eva Weinin tuotannot vastauksena 1980-luvun naisnäkökulmaiseen kirjallisuuskeskusteluun."  PhD, Diss, University of Helsinki, 2015,

Lago, Alessandro dal. "On the ethics of Weakness: Simone Weil and Nihilism." Weak thought, edited by Gianni Vattimo and Pier Aldo Rovatti, translated by Peter Carravetta, State University of New York Press, 2012, pp. 111-137. SUNY series in contemporary Italian philosophy.

Mangiabene, Massimo. "Simone Weil e Nietzsche." Per la filosofia: Filosofia e insegnamentio, vol. 42, 1998, pp. 102-113.

Martínez Ángel, Lorenzo. "Reflexiones sobre Simone Weil, con Nietzsche, Alain y Bonhoeffer de fondo." Religión y cultura, vol. 61, no. 272, 2015, pp. 219-246.

Olin, Mikael. "Misslyckanden." Ad lucem : tidskrift för kultur och livsåskådning, vol. 91, no. 1, 1999, pp. 8-13.

Puente, Fernando Rey. Exercícios de atenção: Simone Weil leitora dos gregos. PUC-Rio, 2013. Teologia e Ciências Humanas vol. 114.

---. "Simone Weil, Friedrich Nietzsche et la Grèce" Cahiers Simone Weil, vol. 19, no. 1, 1996, pp. 67-96.

Vannini, Marco. " Simone Weil. L'amore implicito di Cristo " Cristo nella filosofia contemporanea, edited by Silvano Zucal, vol. 2, San Paolo, 2002, pp. 945-978.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Wittgenstein and Weil

To date have collected the following works on Wittgenstein and Weil:

Abdullah, Sarwar Ahmed. "'Negative Faith: The Moment of God's Absence': Simone Weil on afflication." , MA Thesis, Saint Mary's University, 2014.

Bell, Richard H. "Religion and Wittgenstein's Legacy: Beyond Fideism and Language Games." Philosophy and the Grammar of Religious Belief, edited by Mario Von der Ruhr and Timothy Tessin, St. Martin's Press, 1995, pp. 215-247. Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion.

Dilman, Ilham. "Conclusion: Reality and Human Life." Wittgenstein's Copernican Revolution: The Question of Linguistic Idealism,  Palgrave 2002, pp. 206-219.

Dilman, İlham. Free Will: An Historical and Philosophical Introduction. Routledge, 1999.

Dromm, Keith. Wittgenstein on Rules and Nature. Continuum, 2008. Continuum Studies in British Philosophy.

Earl, Kaleb G. M. "Effing the Ineffable: The Mysticism of Simone Weil and Ludwig Wittgenstein." . MA Thesis,  Dalhousie, 2015,

Fitzgerald, Michael. "Simone Weil (1909-43)." The Genesis of Artistic Creativity : Asperger's Syndrome and the Arts, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2005, pp. 126-136.

Kinsey, John. "The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil." American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, vol. 85, no. 4, 2011, pp. 623-638, doi:10.5840/acpq201185448.

Kronqvist. "A Passion for Life: Love and Meaning." Nordic Wittgenstein Review, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 31-51, doi: 10.15845/nwr.v6i1.3424.

Recchia Luciani, Francesca R. "Lo sguardo perspicuo: filosofia e vita quotidiana.  Il "socratismo" di Ludwig Wittgenstein e di Simone Weil." La vita che c'è, edited by Antonio De Simone and Fabio D'Andrea,  FrancoAngeli, 2006, pp. 67-103. Collana di Sociologia.

Sekino, Tetsuya. "Peut-on parler de Dieu aujourd'hui ? : De Wittgenstein à simone weil." Philosophy,  PhD, Diss, Université Jean Moulin (Lyon 3), 2016,

Solin, Kim. "Mathematics and Religion : On a Remark by Simone Weil " Logic in theology, edited by Bartosz Brożek et al., Copernicus Center Press, 2013, pp. 219-236.

Springsted, Eric O. "Mystery and Philosophy." The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, edited by A.  Rebecca  (Adrian Rebecca) Rozelle-Stone and Lucian Stone, Continuum, 2010, pp. 91-105.

---. "Spiritual Apprenticeship " Cahiers Simone Weil, vol. 25, no. 4, 2002, pp. 325-344.

Stewart, Olwyn. "The Ethical Implications of Simone Weil's Notion of Reading." PHD, Diss, University of Auckland, 2012,

Tang, Hao. "A Meeting of the Conceptual and the Natural:  Wittgenstein on Learning a Sensation-Language." Philosophy  and Phenomenological Research, vol. 91, no. 1, 2015, pp. 105-135, doi:10.1111/phpr.12118.

Thompson, Jon. "Simone Weil: Dialectic of Apparent Opposites." The Collected Writings of Jon Thompson, edited by Jeremy Akerman and Eileen Daly, Ridinghouse, 2011, pp. 407-422.

Von der Ruhr, Mario. "Christianity and the Errors of our Time: Simone Weil on Atheism and Idolatry." The Relevance of the Radical: Simone Weil 100 Years Later, edited by A.  Rebecca  (Adrian Rebecca) Rozelle-Stone and Lucian Stone, Continuum, 2010, pp. 53-75.

Winch, Peter. Simone Weil: "The Just Balance". Cambridge University Press, 1995. Modern European Philosophy.

Winchell, James. "Semantics of the Unspeakable: Six Sentences by Simone Weil." Trajectories of Mysticism in Theory and Literature, edited by Philip Leonard, St. Martin's Press, 2000, pp. 72-93.