Endelman, Todd M. Leaving the Jewish Fold: Conversion and Radical Assimilation in Modern Jewish History. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015. See p. 258-261 for discussion of Weil.
Other works I have collected to date onthis:
Allen, Diogenes. Spiritual Theology : The Theology of Yesterday for Spiritual Help Today. Boston: Cowley Publications, 1997. In chapter four, "Three Journeys to God", he presents what he calls Weil's 'conversion experience' (pp. 56 - 63).
Calvert, Timothy John. "Simone Weil: Patron Saint of Outsiders." New Blackfriars 81.951 (2000): 177-83.
Chalier, Catherine. "Simone Weil: Cette foi e la mienne." Le désir de conversion. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2011. 147-84.
Ciernick, Helen M. "Historical Studies I - Topic Sessions." CTSA Proceedings 68 (2013): 112-13. Brief summary of Richard Penaskovic paper, “Simone Weil (1909-1943): A Reluctant Convert,” presented at the Catholic Theological Society of America Sixty-eighth Annual Convention, June 6-9, 2013, Miami Florida.
Heidrich, Christian. "Die unmögliche Konversion. Die Konvertiten: Über religiöse und politische Bekehrungen. Munich: Carol Hanser, 2002. 277-295.
Hirsch, Yaël "Réflexions sur la conversion juive : les implications politiques et sociales du transfert identitaire dans la première moitié du 20e siècle en Europe." Diss. Institut d'études politiques., 2009.
Huk, Romana. "“A Single Liturgy”: Fanny Howe’s The Wedding Dress." Christianity & Literature 58.4 (2009): 657-93. Huk looks at the way the poet Fanny Howe uses the thought of Edith Stein and Simone Weil to reflect on her conversion to Catholicism. Ultimately, there is not much discussion of Weil's thought itself; the essay concerns itself more with Howe's response to and comments on Weil's life, especially her struggle with the thought of conversion and her commitment to social and political activism in the face of perceived injustice.
Nagy, Endre J. "Simone Weil: egy misztikus aszkéta (Part II)." Vigilia 77.3 (2012): 162-70. First published in English as "Simone Weil: The Mystical Ascetic." European Journal of Mental Health 5.2 (2010): 167-185.
Penaskovic, Richard John. "Simone Weil: The Reluctant Convert." New Blackfriars 96.1064 (2015): 391-404. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nbfr.12047/epdf>.
Wilkins, Steve, and Alan G. Padgett. "Being at Paris: French Existentialism." Journey to Postmodernity in the 20th century. Vol. 3. Christianity & Western Thought: A History of Philosophers, Ideas, & Movements. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2009. 89-129. See especially pages 121-29. In chapter four "Being at Paris: French Existentialism", the authors offer a short overview of Weil's life, paying special attention to her 'conversion' to Christianity followed by a brief discussion of her concepts of decreation, work and detachment.