Thursday, November 28, 2013

Commemoration of 70th anniversary of Weil's death

The latest issue  of  Prospettiva Persona has a collection of articles commemorating the 70th anniversary of Weil's death.

Canciani, Domenico. "  I ricordi di padre Perrin  Domen." Prospettiva Persona 85 (2013): 6-23.
Landriccia, Damiano. "Simone Weil è passata di qui." Prospettiva Persona 85 (2013): 35-36.
Vito, Maria Antonietta. "Simone Weil e L'amore per la città: Venezia terrena e celeste." Prospettiva Persona 85 (2013): 30-34.
Zagaria, Gianna. "Simone Weil: fedeltà all'uomo, fedeltà a Dio" Prospettiva Persona 85 (2013): 24-29.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just published article on Weil's influence on German post-war literature

Thein, Helen. ""Eine Last auf meiner Seele" : Zum Widerhall Der Schriften Simone Weil in der deutschsprachigen Nachkriegsliterature." Zeitschrift fuer Religions und Geistesgeschichte 65.2 (2013): 173-96.

Thein writes about  Heinrich, Böll,  Ingeborg Bachmann, Nelly Sachs and Jean Améry.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Very recent 76 page article by Rolf Kühn on Simone Weil and violence

Kühn R."Hebräische und europäische Tradition nach Simone Weil: Wirkungsgeschichte der historischen Gewalt im Lichte der Offenbarung des 'Übernatürlich-Guten'". In: Margagliotta GMA, Robiglio AA, eds. Art, Intellect and Politics: A Diachronistic Perspective. Leiden: Brill; 2013:89-166.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Léon Chestov

In 2005 as part of a collection of texts in honour of  Père Boris Bobrinskoy's 80th birthday,  Laurent Mazliak and Alexis Niemtchinow published a work on reason and science comparing Simone Weil and Léon Chestov.  A version of this article is available on the web.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Lacanian perspective

Fabian Fajnwaks's article  "Simone Weil : un amour sans objet " La Cause freudienne 40  (1998): 117-24 discusses Weil's work from a Lacanian perspective.