Friday, November 16, 2012

BBC broadcast of Simone Weil

Yesterday the BBC  RADIO 4 broadcast  Melvyn Bragg talking with  Beatrice Han Pile,  Stephen Plant and David Levy  about Simone Weil.  43 minutes in length.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

English translation of Chenavier's work Simone Weil : l'attention au réel will be released October 2012

From  University of Notre Dame Press:

NOTRE DAME, IN, August 30, 2012—In October, the University of Notre Dame Press will publish Simone Weil: Attention to the Real by Robert Chenavier, translated by Bernard E. Doering. Originally published in French in 2009, Simone Weil: Attention to the Real leads the reader through Weil's earliest writing as a perceptive social critic to her work on spirituality and materialism, and finally to her concept of decreation, produced before her death at the age of thirty-four. "To an exceptional degree," Chenavier says, "the life of Simone Weil, her personality, her commitment, and her reflection form one single whole." Chenavier argues that Weil's vocation took on a very original form in the history of philosophical thought.

"Bernard Doering has crafted a very fine translation of Robert Chenavier's comprehensive but brief introduction to Simone Weil's philosophical project. It provides an excellent English introduction to the social philosophy of Simone Weil with due attention to her understanding of the importance of work in learning to attend to the real. Doering's translation will be of interest to both a religious and secular readership, both inside and outside the academy." —Lawrence Schmidt, University of Toronto

Read more:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tanis MacDonald's previously reported conference presentation on Sarah Klassen's work which was inspired by Simone has been published as:

Hunger, History, and the Shape of Awkward Questions: Reading Sarah Klassen's Simone Weil as Mennonite Text." Journal of Mennonite Studies 28 (2010): 87-102. 
It is with great sadness that I announce the death of  my dear friend, colleague and co-author of the Simone Weil Bibliography, Debra Jensen. Debra passed away on Sunday July 15, 2012. Debra was a longtime religious studies faculty member at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta. We first met when Debra as a University of Calgary graduate student approached me for research assistance for her thesis work on Simone Weil. While assisting Debra, I noted the difficulty in locating material and suggested that one day it would be good to work together in creating an updated bibliography of works on Simone Weil. Years later in 2006, we finally began the project and the Simone Weil Bibliography posted online in 2011 is a enduring testament to Debra's scholarship on Weil and her dedication to enhancing access to Weilian research.

I shall miss Debra very much and dedicate my continuing work on the bibliography to her memory.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Simone "Patron Saint of 20th century anorexics"

 Francine du Plessex Gray in  "On Thin Ice." Going Hungry: Writers on Desire, Self-Denial, and Overcoming Anorexia. Ed. Taylor, Kate. New York: Random House, 2008. 55-68, tells the story of her own battle with anorexia nervosa in which she refers to Simone as the "Patron Saint of 20th century anorexics."

She has published two works on Simone:

 Simone Weil. Penguin Lives. New York: Viking Penguin, 2001
"Loving and Hating Simone Weil." American Scholar 70 3 (2001): 5-11. Published in the "At Large and at Small" column.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Great source for recent Italian Books on Simone

Just did a search for Simone on  and located the following 2012 Italian works on her:

Gianfreda, Fausto. Il Graal. Di Simone Weil. Pazzini, 2012.

Giuliana, Kantzá. Tre donne, una domanda. Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Edith Stein. Ares, 2012.

Searching "simone weil" retrieves over 150 books!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Interested in Slovenian works on Simone Weil?

The Union Catalogue for Slovenia lists a number of books and articles on Simone.

If you are also interested in works from other countries in the region search

Simone Weil and Kevin Hart

Toby Davidson in an article entitled "Beyond Reach of Language: Kevin Hart and Christian Mysticism" talks about Simone's influence on Hart.

Literature and Theology (2010) 24 (3): 271-284. doi: 10.1093/litthe/frq018

2012 works on Simone Weil

At the beginning of the year I posted 4 titles published in 2012, since then a number of other works have appeared.  So far I have verified the following 2012 articles and books:

Ando, Clifford. Rev. of Simone Weil's Apologetic Use of Literature: Her Christological Interpretations of Ancient Greek Texts, by Marie Cabaud Meaney. Modern Philology 109.3 (2012): E207-E10. Internet

Bingemer, Maria Clara L. "Theology as an Intellectual Vocation: Some Thoughts on the Theo-logical Vision of Simone Weil." International Journal of Public Theology 6.1 (2012): 37-55. Translated from Brazilian Portuguese by Einardo F. Bingemer. Internet

Burley, Mikel. "D.Z. Phillips' Contemplations on Religion and Literature." International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 71.1 (2012): 21-37. Discusses influence of Simone Weil on the writings of D.Z. Phillips.

Cabaud Meaney, Marie. "Simone Weil's Reflections on the Cross." Crisis Magazine March 20 2012. .

Campbell, Timothy. "Enough of a Self”: Esposito’s Impersonal Biopolitics." Law, Culture and the Humanities 8.1 (2012): 31-46.

Disney, Dan. "Sublime Disembodiment? Self-as-Other in Anne Carson's Decreation." Orbis Litterarum 67.1 (2012): 25-38.

Esposito, Roberto. "The Dispositif of the Person." Law, Culture and the Humanities 8.1 (2012): 17-30. .

Jackson, Timothy P. "Herorism on an Empty Stomach: Weil and Hillesum on Love and Happiness Amid the Holocaust." Journal of Religious Ethics 40.1 (2012): 72-98.

Lucas, Javier de. "Sobre los fundamentos de la iguladad y del reconocimiento: Un análisis crítico de las condiciones de las políticas europeas de
integración ante la inmigración." Inmigración e integración en la UE. Dos retos para el s. XXI.: Eurobask, 2012. 11-91. Proceedings of a conference -X Premio de Investigación Francisco Javier Landaburu Universitas 2011

Rice, David. "At the Threshold with Simone Weil: A Political Theory of Migration and Refuge." Diss. Duke University, 2012.

Sparling, Robert. "Theory and Praxis: Simone Weil and Marx on the Dignity of Labor." The Review of Politics 74.1 (2012): 87-107.

Verbin, N. "Martyrdom: A Philosophical Perspective." Philosophical Investigations 35.1 (2012): 68-87. See section II "Afflictions of Love" pages 82-87.

Collection of articles on Simone edited by Emilia Bea

In 2010 Emilia Bea edited  Simone Weil. La conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Madrid: Trotta.

This contains the following articles:

Ballesteros, Jesús. "Contra todo tipo de violencia." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 129-35.

Bea Pérez, Emilia. "Notas para una biografía intelectual y espiritual." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 15-33.

Bingemer, Maria Clara L. "Búsqueda de la verdad y compasión. La interlocución de simone weil con el sufrimiento del otro." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 35-50.

Capella Hernandez, Juan Ramón. "Pensamientos sin orden sobre la existencia de Simone Weil." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 147-59.

Chavarria, Adriá. "Simone Weil y el judaísmo." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 95-107.

Chenavier, Robert. "Simone Weil: ¿La última filósofa del trabajo?" Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 187-206.

Di Nicola, Giula Paola, and Attilio Danese. "Aspectos sociales del pensamiento Weiliano." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 161-85. Revised version of "Oltre l'apparenza del sociale" in Simone Weil: Abitare La contraddizione. Rome: Dehoniane, 1991:177-268.

Greco, Tommaso. "Derecho y justicia en Simone Weil." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 207-28.

La Torre, Massimo. "Reflexiones sobre la Ilíada." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 63-69.

Ortega, Carlos. "Espejismo y silencio. La experiencia mística de Simone Weil." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 229-343.

Oton, Josep. "Simone Weil: un desencanto creativo." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 71-85.

Revilla, Carmen. "A la luz de lo sagrado. Experiencia religiosa y compromiso político." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 109-28.

Tommasi, Wanda. "Lo Bello como encarnactión." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 51-61. Reworking of concepts discussed in "L'esperienza della bellezza in Simone Weil." Estetica ed esistenza: Deleuze Derrida Foucault Weil. Eds. Loredano Matteo Lorenzetti and Maurizio Zani. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2001. 72-90.

Vetö, Miklos. "Mística y descreación." Simone Weil, la conciencia del dolor y de la belleza. Ed. Emilia Bea Pérez. Colección Estructuras y Procesos . Serie Filosofía. Madrid: Trotta, 2010. 137-45.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Catalan journal issue features 4 articles on Weil

The 2010 volume (132) of Revista del Col-legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciates en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya has 4 articles on Weil:

Bea Pérez, Emilia. "Una reflexió sobre la justicia en Simone Weil." Revista del Col-legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciates en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya 132 (2010): 36-51. .

Chavarria, Adriá. "El "Manual" de Londres de Simone Weil." Revista del Col-legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciates en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya 132 (2010): 9-19. .

Contijoch, Josefa. "Simone Weil: seqüència temporal." Revista del Col-legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciates en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya 132 (2010): 52-64. .

Greco, Tommaso. "La justícia és en un altre lloc." Revista del Col-legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciates en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya 132 (2010): 65-75. .

Otón Catalán, Josep. "Simone Weil: mística i postmodernitat." Revista del Col-legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciates en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya 132 (2010): 20-35. .

Friday, May 11, 2012

Polish works on Simone

Just looked through Elżbieta Kotkowska's cv online and noted a number of works on Simone that I had not yet located!

Kotkowska, Elżbieta. Ku metodzie integralnej w teologii fundamentalnej : sposoby konstruowania interdyscyplinarnych działań w poszukiwaniu locorum theologicorum : zastosowanie i weryfikacja na przykładzie życia i twórczości Simone Weil Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydział Teologiczny 2010.

---. "Nacjonalizm jako wykorzenienie, według myśli Simone Weil (1909 – 1943)." Kulturowe determinanty nacjonalizmu. Ed. Marek Jeziński. Torun: Wydawn. Adam Marszalek, 2008. 214-24.

---. "Podstawy sprzeciwu wobec form wykluczenia społecznego według Simone Weil." Państwo i Kościół wobec aktualnych form wykluczenia i marginalizacji ludzi. Ed. Józef Baniak. Społeczeństwo i Kościół. Poznan: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza. Wydział Teologiczny, 2006. 199-211.

---. "Simone Weil's questions about God." Phenomena of Crisis. The Paschal Dimension of Suffering. Eds. Elżbieta Kotkowska, et al. Vol. 12. Maneat Quaestio. Poznań Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Wydział Teologiczny, 2006.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Special issue of Testimonianze devoted to Simone

The 2010 issue 468-469 of the Italian journal Testimonianze contains 12 articles by key Italian Simone Weil Scholars. Three of the articles are available fulltext

Bibliography on the Web significantly updated

I have added 1,000 records to the Simone Weil Bibliography. Brings the total to approximately 1600 records.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Australia provides good index to material on Simone

Search Trove (produced by the National Library of Australia) for Simone Weil as a subject and you will locate almost 200 articles on Simone including very recent ones such as:

MacMillen, Sarah L. " Faith Beyond Optimism: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, and Gillian Rose." Philosophy and Theology 23.2 (2011): 257-267.

Verbin, N. "Martyrdom: A Philosophical Perspective." Philosophical Investigations 35.1 (2012): 68-87. See section II "Afflictions of Love" pages 82-87

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Creating lists on

I note that Ulla Holm has created a list on Worldcat of works on Simone Weil. If you create a free acount on Worldcat you can "watch this list". It is called Weiliana

I have also created a list called Simone Weil that links to works on Simone published since 1995. BUT until there is an easier way than moving 10 records at a time, this list will remain incomplete - currently 70 of 687 items!

Swedish Publications on Simone

I note that my database of over 2500 works only includes 6 items written in Swedish. This is an area in which I will need to do my digging! Just noticed the following 2011 Swedish work:

Henning, Peter. "Avskapelsens estetik. Om representationskritikens förhandlingar i Lars Noréns En dramatikers dagbok (The Subject’s Detachment and the Return of the Real. Towards an Aesthetically and Performance Oriented Understanding of Lars Norén’s Journal ) " Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap 11.1 (2011): 55-65.

2012 works

Here are a couple of 2012 works that I have just located through a search of our discovery service, Summon:

Campbell, Timothy. "Enough of a Self”: Esposito’s Impersonal Biopolitics." Law, Culture and the Humanities 8.1 (2012): 31-46. Print.

Verbin, N. "Martyrdom: A Philosophical Perspective." Philosophical Investigations 35.1 (2012): 68-87. Print.

Jackson, Timothy P. "HEROISM ON AN EMPTY STOMACH”: Weil and Hillesum on Love and Happiness Amid the Holocaust." Journal of Religious Ethics 40.1 (2012): 72-98. Print.

Esposito, Roberto. "The Dispositif of the Person." Law, Culture and the Humanities 8.1 (2012): 17-30. Print.