Friday, December 16, 2011

Simone Weil and Animality

Anat Pick has informed me that her new work _Creaturely Poetics: Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film has recently been published by Columbia University Press.

"The book draws on Weil's philosophical and theological thinking to explore questions about animality, humanity, and ethics. Weil is the central presence in the book".

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Political Writings of Simone Weil

Éditions rue d'Ulm last spring published Simone Weil, lectures politiques edited by Valerie Gérard.

This work in addition to containing writings by Simone includes a number of articles on her:

Introduction : la politique comme problème, par Valérie Gérard

L’obligation dans L’Enracinement, par Frédéric Worms

Simone Weil et le déracinement du moi, par Joël Janiaud

Le don du malheur. Première lecture de « L’amour de Dieu et le malheur », par Patrick Hochart

L’écriture de Simone Weil dans « L’amour de Dieu et le malheur ». Déploiement de la phrase et approfondissement de la pensée. Seconde lecture, par Pierre Pachet

Simone Weil et la politique au XXe siècle, par Patrice Rolland

L’injustice sociale et les figures du refus chez Simone Weil. Révolte, révolution, revendication, résistance,
par Martine Leibovici

Les contradictions du pouvoir politique, par Valérie Gérard

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An Encounter with Simone Weil

The film An Encounter with Simone Weil has recently received the Special Founders Prize by Michael Moore at his Traverse City Film Festival. It has also been screened at a number of other film festivals and events including the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival in April 2011.

The Internet Movie Database currently lists these two reviews of the film:

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

600 records from our Simone Weil bibliography now available online

The Simone Weil Bibliography has now been posted online with approximately 600 records from 2005 -2010. This represents about 1/4 of the total records collected to date. We will continue to update this file as we collect new items and verify current records.

Please note that currently only English language works have subject headings and annotations.

We welcome comments and suggestions for inclusion.

Thanks, Debra and Saundra