Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Indigo Magazine - new humanities magazine from South Korea

A sample copy of the humanities magazine INDIGO just arrived at my desk - I note it contains two articles on Simone:

Alfier, Dino. "Where There is Nothing, Read that I Love You: Simone Weil's 'Attention' and the Art of Perception." INDIGO: Inspiration, Engagement and Vision: Humanities Magazine for Young People 2 (2010): 34-37.

Morgan, Vance G. "Simone Weil and the Attentive Intellect." INDIGO: Inspiration, Engagement and Vision: Humanities Magazine for Young People 2 (2010): 29-33.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Looking for works by Maria Clara Luchetti Bingemer on Simone Weil

Check out her website - links to fulltext of the articles

Film about Simone and Antonio Atarès

Birds of Arabia

The birds of Arabia/ Les oiseaux d’Arabie
Catalogue FID Marseille 2009

David Yon's film on the correspondance between Spanish refugee Antonio Atarès and Simone Weil.

Simone Weil and Stalinism

Just tripped across this article:

Géraldi Leroy, «Simone Weil face aux États totalitaires», Les Cahiers de Psychologie politique [En ligne], numéro 17, Juillet 2010. URL : http://lodel.irevues.inist.fr/cahierspsychologiepolitique/index.php?id=1706

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Spanish Civil War

The website for the work Souvenirs de la guerre d'Espagne, juillet 1936-février 1939 by
Antoine Giménez posts texts of documents not included in the book.

There are two here on Simone posted in June 2009:


Louis Mercier - Simone Weil : retour sur une controverse

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adrià Chavarria

Just came across this tribute to Adrià Chavarria by Emilia Bea. It mentions a posthumous publication: «Simone Weil y el judaísmo» in La conciencia del dolor y de la belleza (Trotta, 2010) edited by Emilia Bea.

Revista del Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya núm. 132 (nov. 2010), p. 5-75 - has articles on Simone Weil including one by Chavarria

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

OAIster provides access to open archive resources

You can now search OAIster to locate records of digital resources from open-archive collections worldwide. A search today for "Simone Weil" retrieved 183 items. If you click on the title and scroll down to the "details" section you will see a link to the fulltext. Note these records also listed in Worldcat.org.

Results for 'kw:simone weil' []