Sunday, September 29, 2013

René Girard

The discovery of a fairly recent article by O'Regan in Modern Theology which highlights connections between Simone and Girard led me to search my database for works on Girard and Simone and discovered a fair number:

Astell, Ann W. "Saintly Mimesis, Contagion, and Empathy in the Thought of René Girard, Edith Stein, and Simone Weil." Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 22 2 (2004): 116-31.

Jesson, Stuart. "Forgiveness and its reason." Diss. University of Nottingham, 2010.

Meaney, Marie Cabaud. "Simone Weil and René Girard: Violence and the Sacred." American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84.3 (2010): 565-87.

O'Regan, Cyril. "Countermimesis and Simone Weil's Christian Platonism." The Christian Platonism of Simone Weil. Eds. Doering, E. Jane and Eric O. Springsted. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2004. 181-207.

---. "Girard and the spaces of Apocalyptic." Modern Theology 28.1 (2012): 112-40.

Palaver, Wolfgang. "Die Frage des Opfers im Spannungsfeld von West und Ost : René Girard, Simone Weil und Mahatma Gandhi über Gewalt und Gewaltfreiheit." Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie 132.4 (2010): 462-81.

Putino, Angela. "La figura dell'innocente in Simone Weil e René Girard." Labirinti del male. Ed. Zarone, Giuseppe. Biblioteca di Filosofia e Teologia: Saggi. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1997. 115-28.

Rose, Phil. "A conversation with René Girard (August 2006/May 2007)." Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis and Culture 18  (2011): 23-38.

Roy, Paul-Emile. "L'Indéfectible Espérance." Action Nationale 93.1 (2003): 112-30.

Van Coillie, Geert. "Homerus' gedicht over het geweld, geïnterpreteerd door Simone Weil en René Girard." Ethische Perspectieven 15.2 (2005): 115-20.

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